Thursday, September 16, 2010

First clutch update

I've had NO time to update the blog, so here's a quick recap! Pics are from 4-6 weeks old. They are getting SO big! Only 3 of the 5 made it out of the first clutch. Two never made it all the way out of their eggs :( They're starting to show their own personalities and all of them are very sweet and laid back for the most part like Kora. One is going home to live with the co-breeder today and the other two will stay with me until I decide who I can part with. I will probably sell one from this clutch and hang on to one. Looks like I might keep the "tiger" striped neon male but not sure yet. Looks like 1 male and 2 females but could be wrong. Here they are!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bath time for the babies

It's a LOT of work keeping all the babies hydrated and eating well. I supplement them with a few drips of Repti-Aid on their noses and let them eat until they're full every now and then just to make sure they're getting enough nutrients. They all seem to be eating crickets and I have a huge shipment of phoenix worms coming this week. No interest in salads yet but I'll keep trying!

Collecting each o
ne and "transporting" them in a little shoebox is a lot of work...they're jumpy and crazy but once they get in the sink they calm down and seem to like it. I do them group by group and it takes a while every night for bath time! The pictures don't do them justice with the horrible bathroom lighting.

Friday, September 10, 2010

29 more hatchlings! 2nd clutch

29 healthy, pretty babies just hatched out on Sept 10 from clutch #2. They are all feisty, crazy little beasts. Everyone is perfect and looks very orange and some even look red. There is also a 3rd clutch of about 20 eggs laid not too long ago but not sure if they will make it - they're still in the incubator and looking good but have a slightly different look to them then the other 2 clutches so I'm not counting on them, but they could still hatch!

I currently have two 40 gallon breeders separated into 4 different sections for them. Each has a reptisun 10 UVB and basking bulb and everyone is happy and even eating already. One section has the two older babies, and the other 3 sections have the 29 babies separated evenly. So far no nips or fighting yet.